本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(本拉登给美国人的一封信)




9·11事件(September 11 attacks),又称“911”、“9·11恐怖袭击事件” ,是2001年9月11日发生在美国纽约世界贸易中心的一起系列恐怖袭击事件。

本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)

9·11事件发生后,全美各地的军队均进入最高戒备状态 。虽然阿富汗塔利班发表声明称恐怖事件与乌萨马·本·穆罕默德·本·阿瓦德·本·拉丹无关 ,但美国政府仍然认定乌萨马·本·穆罕默德·本·阿瓦德·本·拉丹是恐怖袭击事件头号嫌犯 。作为对这次袭击的回应,美国发动了“反恐战争”,入侵阿富汗以消灭藏匿“基地”组织恐怖分子的阿富汗塔利班,并通过了美国爱国者法案。2001年10月7日美国总统乔治·沃克·布什宣布开始对阿富汗发动军事进攻 。




本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)




本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)




一些美国作家发表了以“我们为何而战?”为题的文章。这些文章引起了一些反应,其中一些坚持真理并基于伊斯兰法,而另一些则不然。在此,我们想要概述真理 - 作为解释和警告 - 希望获得真主的奖赏,寻求他的成功和支持。





(1) 因为你们攻击了我们,并且继续攻击我们。

a) 你们在巴勒斯坦攻击了我们:

(i) 巴勒斯坦,沉浸在军事占领中已超过80年。英国人在你们的帮助和支持下,将巴勒斯坦交给了犹太人,他们已占领了50多年;这些年充满了压迫、暴政、罪行、杀戮、驱逐、破坏和荒废。以色列的创建和持续是最大的罪行之一,你们是其罪犯的领导者。当然,没有必要解释和证明美国对以色列的支持程度。以色列的创建是一个必须被抹去的罪行。每一个手上沾满了对这一罪行的贡献的人都必须付出代价,而且要付出沉重的代价。

(ii) 看到你们还没有厌倦重复你们编造的谎言,声称犹太人对巴勒斯坦有历史权利,因为托拉赋予了他们,这让我们既感到可笑又感到悲伤。任何与他们就这一所谓事实发生争执的人都被指责为反犹太主义。这是历史上最虚假、流传最广的谎言之一。巴勒斯坦人是纯阿拉伯人和原始闪米特人。正是穆斯林继承了摩西(愿他得到平安)和未被改变的真正托拉。穆斯林相信所有的先知,包括亚伯拉罕、摩西、耶稣和穆罕默德,愿真主赐福他们全部。如果摩西的追随者在托拉中被承诺有权利对巴勒斯坦,那么穆斯林是这个权利的最有资格的民族。

当穆斯林征服了巴勒斯坦并驱逐了罗马人,巴勒斯坦和耶路撒冷归于伊斯兰教,这是所有先知的宗教,愿他们得到平安。因此,对巴勒斯坦的历史权利的呼吁不能对抗相信真主所有先知(愿他们得到真主的祝福和平安)的伊斯兰教国家 - 我们对他们不加区别。

(iii) 从巴勒斯坦流出的血必须得到同等的报复。你们必须知道,巴勒斯坦人不是孤单地哭泣;他们的妇女不是孤单地守寡;他们的儿子不是孤单地成为孤儿。

本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)

(b) 你们在索马里攻击了我们;你们支持俄罗斯对我们在车臣的暴行,印度对我们在克什米尔的压迫,以及犹太人对我们在黎巴嫩的侵略。

(c) 在你们的监督、同意和命令下,我们国家的政府作为你们的代理人,每天都在攻击我们;

(i) 这些政府阻止我们的人民建立伊斯兰教法,使用暴力和谎言来做到这一点。

(ii) 这些政府让我们尝到了屈辱,并将我们置于一个巨大的恐惧和屈服的监狱中。

(iii) 这些政府窃取我们教国家的财富,并以微不足道的价格将它们卖给你们。

(iv) 这些政府向犹太人投降,并将大部分巴勒斯坦交给了他们,承认了他们国家的存在,而牺牲了他们自己人民的肢解。

(v) 推翻这些政府是我们的义务,也是解放教国家、使教法成为最高法律和收回巴勒斯坦的必要步骤。我们对这些政府的战斗与我们对你们的战斗是不可分割的。

(d) 你们以国际影响力和军事威胁为由,以微不足道的价格窃取我们的财富和石油。这种盗窃实际上是人类历史上见证过的最大盗窃。

(e) 你们的军队占领我们的国家;你们在我们的土地上遍布你们的军事基地;你们腐蚀我们的土地,并围困我们的圣地,以保护犹太人的安全,并确保你们掠夺我们宝藏的连续性。

(f) 你们让伊拉克的穆斯林饥饿,那里的孩子们每天都在死亡。令人惊讶的是,超过150万伊拉克儿童因你们的制裁而死亡,而你们对此漠不关心。然而,当你们3000人死亡时,全世界都起身未坐。

(g) 你们支持犹太人将耶路撒冷视为他们的永久首都,并同意将你们的大使馆迁往那里。在你们的帮助和保护下,以色列人计划摧毁阿克萨清真寺。在你们武器的保护下,沙龙进入了阿克萨清真寺,以污染它为准备攻占和摧毁它。

(2) 这些悲剧和灾难只是你们对我们压迫和侵略的几个例子。我们的宗教和智慧命令,受压迫者有权还击侵略。别指望我们会做什么,除了圣战、抵抗和报复。在美国攻击我们半个多世纪后,期待我们会让她安全和平地生活,这合理吗?!!

(3) 你们可能会争辩说,以上所有这些都不足以证明对平民的侵略行为,因为他们并没有犯下这些罪行,也没有参与这些罪行:

(a) 这一论点与你们不断重复的观点相矛盾,即美国是自由之地,其领导者在这个世界上。因此,美国人民是自由意志地选择他们的政府;这种选择源于他们对其政策的同意。因此,美国人民已经选择了,同意了,并确认了他们对以色列对巴勒斯坦人的压迫、对他们的土地的占领和篡夺,以及持续对巴勒斯坦人的杀戮、折磨、惩罚和驱逐的支持。美国人民有能力和选择拒绝他们政府的政策,甚至如果他们愿意,还可以改变政府。

(b) 美国人民是支付税款的人,这些税款资助了在阿富汗轰炸我们的飞机,摧毁我们在巴勒斯坦家园的坦克,占领我们在阿拉伯海湾土地的军队,以及确保对伊拉克封锁的舰队。这些税款被给予以色列,以便它继续攻击我们,侵入我们的土地。所以,美国人民就是资助对我们的攻击的人,也是通过他们选出的候选人按照他们的意愿监督这些资金支出的人。

(c) 美国军队也是美国人民的一部分。正是这些人在无耻地帮助犹太人对抗我们。

(d) 美国人民是雇佣他们的男人和女人在攻击我们的美国军队中服役的人。

(e) 这就是为什么美国人民不能对美国人和犹太人对我们所犯的所有罪行免责。

(f) 全能的安拉立法了报复的许可和选择。因此,如果我们受到攻击,那么我们有权反击。无论谁摧毁了我们的村庄和城镇,我们就有权摧毁他们的村庄和城镇。无论谁窃取了我们的财富,我们就有权摧毁他们的经济。无论谁杀害了我们的平民,我们就有权杀害他们的平民。

本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)




(Q2) 关于我们要回答的第二个问题:我们呼吁你们什么,我们想从你们那里得到什么?

(1) 我们呼吁你们的第一件事就是伊斯兰教。

(a) 这是一种神的统一宗教;从与祂结合的伙伴中获得自由,并拒绝这一点;对祂,至高无上的,完全的爱;完全服从祂的法律;并摒弃所有与祂通过祂的先知穆罕默德(愿主赐福他)传下来的宗教相矛盾的意见、命令、理论和宗教。伊斯兰教是所有先知的宗教,并不区分他们 - 愿他们所有人平安。


(b) 这是一种其书籍 - 古兰经 - 将保持完好无损和不变的宗教,而其他神圣的书籍和信息已经被改变。古兰经是直到审判日的奇迹。真主挑战任何人带来一本像古兰经一样的书,甚至是像它的十节经文。

(2) 我们呼吁你们的第二件事,就是停止在你们中蔓延的压迫、谎言、不道德和放荡。

(a) 我们呼吁你们成为有礼貌、原则、荣誉和纯洁的人民;拒绝奸淫、同性恋、酗酒、赌博和利息交易等不道德行为。


(b) 很遗憾地告诉你们,你们是人类历史上见证过的最糟糕的文明:

(i) 你们是一个国家,不是按照真主的教法来制定宪法和法律,而是选择按照你们的意愿和欲望制定自己的法律。你们将宗教与政策分离,这与确认绝对权威属于主宰和你们的造物主的纯洁本性相矛盾。你们逃避了这个尴尬的问题:全能的真主如何创造他的造物,赋予他们对所有生物和土地的控制权,赋予他们生活的所有便利,然后却剥夺他们最需要的东西:统治他们生活的法律知识?

(ii) 你们是一个允许高利贷的国家,尽管所有宗教都禁止这种行为。然而,你们以高利贷为基础建立经济和投资。因此,在不同形式和伪装下,犹太人控制了你们的经济,通过它又控制了你们的媒体,现在控制了你们生活的所有方面,使你们成为他们的仆人,以你们为代价实现他们的目标;这正是本杰明·富兰克林警告过你们的。

(iii) 你们是一个允许生产、交易和使用酒精的国家。你们还允许毒品的存在,只是禁止其交易,尽管你们国家是最大的消费者。

(iv) 你们是一个允许不道德行为的国家,并将其视为个人自由的支柱。你们不断沉沦至更深的深渊,直至乱伦在你们中间蔓延,而你们的荣誉感和法律都没有反对。


本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(本拉登给美国人的一封信)


(v) 你们是一个允许赌博的国家,以各种形式存在。公司也在实践这一点,导致投资活跃,犯罪分子变得富有。

(vi) 你们是一个利用女性如同消费品或广告工具以吸引顾客的国家。你们使用女性来服务乘客、游客和陌生人,以增加你们的利润率。然后,你们又大谈特谈支持女性解放。

(vii) 你们是一个以各种形式直接或间接进行性交易的国家。在艺术、娱乐、旅游、自由等名义下,大型公司和机构在此基础上建立,以及你们赋予它的其他欺骗性名称。

(viii) 正因为这一切,你们在历史上被描述为一个传播过去人类未知疾病的国家。尽管如此,你们仍然向世界各国夸耀,将艾滋病带给他们,作为美国撒旦式的发明。

(xi) 你们用工业废物和气体比历史上任何国家都更多地破坏了自然。尽管如此,你们仍拒绝签署《京都协议》,以确保你们贪婪公司和行业的利润。

(x) 你们的法律是富有和富裕人士的法律,他们在政党中占据主导地位,并以他们的礼物资助他们的竞选活动。在他们身后是控制你们的政策、媒体和经济的犹太人。

(xi) 在人类历史上,你们被单独指出的是,你们比历史上任何其他国家更多地使用武力摧毁人类;这不是为了捍卫原则和价值,而是为了加速确保你们的利益和利润。即使日本已准备好谈判结束战争,你们还是向日本投下了核弹。你们,号称自由的呼唤者,又执行了多少压迫、暴政和不公正的行为?

(xii) 我们不要忘记你们的一个主要特点:在行为和价值观上的双重性;在行为和原则上的伪善。所有的行为、原则和价值观都有两个尺度:一个是为你们自己,另一个是为其他人。

本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)

(a) 你们所呼唤的自由和民主仅仅是为了你们自己和白人种族;而对于世界其他地方,你们却施加你们的可怕、破坏性政策和政府,这些你们称之为“美国的朋友”。然而,你们却阻止他们建立民主制度。当阿尔及利亚的伊斯兰党想要实行民主并赢得选举时,你们派遣你们的代理人进入阿尔及利亚军队,用坦克和枪支攻击他们,监禁并折磨他们——这是从“美国民主书”中的新课程!!

(b) 你们关于禁止和强制移除大规模杀伤性武器以确保世界和平的政策:这只适用于那些你们不允许拥有此类武器的国家。至于你们同意的国家,如以色列,则被允许保留并使用这些武器来保卫他们的安全。对于任何你们怀疑可能正在制造或保留这类武器的其他国家,你们称他们为罪犯,并对他们采取军事行动。

(c) 在国际法的决议和政策方面,你们是最后一个尊重的国家,但你们却声称想要有选择地惩罚其他做同样事情的人。以色列在美国的全力支持下,已经超过50年将联合国的决议和规则推到墙边。

(d) 至于你们谴责并为之设立刑事法庭的战犯——你们无耻地要求为你们自己的人提供豁免权!!然而,历史不会忘记你们对穆斯林和世界其他地方犯下的战争罪行;你们在日本、阿富汗、索马里、黎巴嫩和伊拉克杀害的人将永远是你们无法摆脱的耻辱。只需提醒你们最近在阿富汗的战争罪行,你们摧毁了人口稠密的无辜平民村庄,向清真寺投下炸弹,导致清真寺的屋顶坍塌在里面祈祷的穆斯林头上。当穆贾希德离开昆都士时,你们打破了与他们的协议,在贾恩吉堡轰炸他们,通过窒息和口渴杀死了超过1000名你们的囚犯。只有真主知道有多少人死于你们和你们代理人的折磨。你们的飞机依然在阿富汗上空徘徊,寻找任何有嫌疑的人。

(e) 你们自称是人权的先锋,你们的外交部发布含有那些违反人权国家统计数据的年度报告。然而,当穆贾希德袭击你们时,所有这些都消失了,你们随后采用了那些你们曾经诅咒的同样政府的做法。在美国,你们捕获了成千上万的穆斯林和阿拉伯人,无理由、无审判、甚至不公开他们的名字就将他们拘留。你们颁布了更新、更严厉的法律。


本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)

(3) 我们呼吁你们第三件事是诚实地面对自己——我怀疑你们会这样做——去发现你们是一个没有原则或礼仪的国家,对你们来说,价值和原则只是你们要求别人遵守的,而不是你们自己必须坚持的。

(4) 我们还建议你们停止支持以色列,结束对克什米尔印度人的支持,对车臣的俄罗斯人的支持,也停止支持马尼拉政府对南菲律宾穆斯林的打压。

(5) 我们还建议你们收拾行李,离开我们的土地。我们希望你们的善良、指导和正义,所以不要逼迫我们将你们作为货物送回棺材。

(6) 第六,我们呼吁你们结束对我们国家腐败领导人的支持。不要干涉我们的政治和教育方式。留我们独自一人,否则就期待我们在纽约和华盛顿与你们相见。

(7) 我们还呼吁你们基于相互利益和好处与我们打交道和互动,而不是基于压制、掠夺和占领的政策,不要继续你们支持犹太人的政策,因为这将给你们带来更多灾难。

如果你们不满足所有这些条件,那么就准备与伊斯兰民族作战。这个民族是一神教民族,完全信任真主,除了他之外不惧怕任何人。这个民族是古兰经所指的民族,古兰经的话是:“你们害怕他们吗?如果你们是信徒,那么你们更应该害怕真主。与他们战斗,好让真主用你们的手惩罚他们,使他们蒙羞,给你们胜利,并治愈信徒的心灵。并消除他们(信徒们)的愤怒。真主接受他所愿意的人的悔改。真主是全知的,全智的。” [古兰经9:13-1]


“但荣誉、力量和荣耀属于真主,属于他的使者(穆罕默德——愿主赐福他)和信徒。” [古兰经63:8]

“所以不要在敌人面前软弱,也不要悲伤,如果你们确实是(真正的)信徒,你们将在胜利中更加强大。” [古兰经3:139]


“不要以为那些在真主的道路上被杀的人是死的。不,他们在他们的主那里是活着的,得到供养。他们因真主赐予他们的恩惠而欢喜,并为那些还没有加入他们但留下来的(还未殉道的)人欢喜,因为他们将不会感到恐惧,也不会悲伤。他们因真主的恩典和恩惠而欢喜,因为真主不会浪费信徒的奖赏。” [古兰经3:169-171]


“正是他派遣他的使者(穆罕默德——愿主赐福他)带着指导和真理的宗教(伊斯兰教),使它战胜所有其他宗教,即使多神教徒憎恨。” [古兰经61:9]

“真主已经判定,‘的确,我和我的使者们将会胜利。’真主确实是全能的,万能的。” [古兰经58:21]





Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'

Online document: the full text of Osama bin Laden's "letter to the American people", reported in today's Observer. The letter first appeared on the internet in Arabic and has since been translated and circulated by Islamists in Britain.

Observer Worldview

Sun 24 Nov 2002 07.07 EST

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

"Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory" [Quran 22:39]

"Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (anything worshipped other than Allah e.g. Satan). So fight you against the friends of Satan; ever feeble is indeed the plot of Satan."[Quran 4:76]

Some American writers have published articles under the title 'On what basis are we fighting?' These articles have generated a number of responses, some of which adhered to the truth and were based on Islamic Law, and others which have not. Here we wanted to outline the truth - as an explanation and warning - hoping for Allah's reward, seeking success and support from Him.

While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:

(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?

Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

a) You attacked us in Palestine:

(i) Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its*price, and pay for it heavily.

本拉登告美国人民书 中英文版(英国卫报刊登原文和ChatGPT4翻译)

(ii) It brings us both laughter and tears to see that you have not yet tired of repeating your fabricated lies that the Jews have a historical right to Palestine, as it was promised to them in the Torah. Anyone who disputes with them on this alleged fact is accused of anti-semitism. This is one of the most fallacious, widely-circulated fabrications in history. The people of Palestine are pure Arabs and original Semites. It is the Muslims who are the inheritors of Moses (peace be upon him) and the inheritors of the real Torah that has not been changed. Muslims believe in all of the Prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all. If the followers of Moses have been promised a right to Palestine in the Torah, then the Muslims are the most worthy nation of this.

When the Muslims conquered Palestine and drove out the Romans, Palestine and Jerusalem returned to Islaam, the religion of all the Prophets peace be upon them. Therefore, the call to a historical right to Palestine cannot be raised against the Islamic Ummah that believes in all the Prophets of Allah (peace and blessings be upon them) - and we make no distinction between them.

(iii) The blood pouring out of Palestine must be equally revenged. You must know that the Palestinians do not cry alone; their women are not widowed alone; their sons are not orphaned alone.

(b) You attacked us in Somalia; you supported the Russian atrocities against us in Chechnya, the Indian oppression against us in Kashmir, and the Jewish aggression against us in Lebanon.

(c) Under your supervision, consent and orders, the governments of our countries which act as your agents, attack us on a daily basis;

(i) These governments prevent our people from establishing the Islamic Shariah, using violence and lies to do so.

(ii) These governments give us a taste of humiliation, and places us in a large prison of fear and subdual.

(iii) These governments steal our Ummah's wealth and sell them to you at a paltry price.

(iv) These governments have surrendered to the Jews, and handed them most of Palestine, acknowledging the existence of their state over the dismembered limbs of their own people.

(v) The removal of these governments is an obligation upon us, and a necessary step to free the Ummah, to make the Shariah the supreme law and to regain Palestine. And our fight against these governments is not separate from out fight against you.

(d) You steal our wealth and oil at paltry prices because of you international influence and military threats. This theft is indeed the biggest theft ever witnessed by mankind in the history of the world.

(e) Your forces occupy our countries; you spread your military bases throughout them; you corrupt our lands, and you besiege our sanctities, to protect the security of the Jews and to ensure the continuity of your pillage of our treasures.

(f) You have starved the Muslims of Iraq, where children die every day. It is a wonder that more than 1.5 million Iraqi children have died as a result of your sanctions, and you did not show concern. Yet when 3000 of your people died, the entire world rises and has not yet sat down.

(g) You have supported the Jews in their idea that Jerusalem is their eternal capital, and agreed to move your embassy there. With your help and under your protection, the Israelis are planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque. Under the protection of your weapons, Sharon entered the Al-Aqsa mosque, to pollute it as a preparation to capture and destroy it.

(2) These tragedies and calamities are only a few examples of your oppression and aggression against us. It is commanded by our religion and intellect that the oppressed have a right to return the aggression. Do not await anything from us but Jihad, resistance and revenge. Is it in any way rational to expect that after America has attacked us for more than half a century, that we will then leave her to live in security and peace?!!

(3) You may then dispute that all the above does not justify aggression against civilians, for crimes they did not commit and offenses in which they did not partake:

(a) This argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom, and its leaders in this world. Therefore, the American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want.

(b) The American people are the ones who pay the taxes which fund the planes that bomb us in Afghanistan, the tanks that strike and destroy our homes in Palestine, the armies which occupy our lands in the Arabian Gulf, and the fleets which ensure the blockade of Iraq. These tax dollars are given to Israel for it to continue to attack us and penetrate our lands. So the American people are the ones who fund the attacks against us, and they are the ones who oversee the expenditure of these monies in the way they wish, through their elected candidates.

(c) Also the American army is part of the American people. It is this very same people who are shamelessly helping the Jews fight against us.

(d) The American people are the ones who employ both their men and their women in the American Forces which attack us.

(e) This is why the American people cannot be not innocent of all the crimes committed by the Americans and Jews against us.

(f) Allah, the Almighty, legislated the permission and the option to take revenge. Thus, if we are attacked, then we have the right to attack back. Whoever has destroyed our villages and towns, then we have the right to destroy their villages and towns. Whoever has stolen our wealth, then we have the right to destroy their economy. And whoever has killed our civilians, then we have the right to kill theirs.

The American Government and press still refuses to answer the question:

Why did they attack us in New York and Washington?

If Sharon is a man of peace in the eyes of Bush, then we are also men of peace!!! America does not understand the language of manners and principles, so we are addressing it using the language it understands.

(Q2) As for the second question that we want to answer: What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

(a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; and of the discarding of all the opinions, orders, theories and religions which contradict with the religion He sent down to His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam is the religion of all the prophets, and makes no distinction between them - peace be upon them all.

It is to this religion that we call you; the seal of all the previous religions. It is the religion of Unification of God, sincerity, the best of manners, righteousness, mercy, honour, purity, and piety. It is the religion of showing kindness to others, establishing justice between them, granting them their rights, and defending the oppressed and the persecuted. It is the religion of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil with the hand, tongue and heart. It is the religion of Jihad in the way of Allah so that Allah's Word and religion reign Supreme. And it is the religion of unity and agreement on the obedience to Allah, and total equality between all people, without regarding their colour, sex, or language.

(b) It is the religion whose book - the Quran - will remained preserved and unchanged, after the other Divine books and messages have been changed. The Quran is the miracle until the Day of Judgment. Allah has challenged anyone to bring a book like the Quran or even ten verses like it.

(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest.

We call you to all of this that you may be freed from that which you have become caught up in; that you may be freed from the deceptive lies that you are a great nation, that your leaders spread amongst you to conceal from you the despicable state to which you have reached.

(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind:

(i) You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator. You flee from the embarrassing question posed to you: How is it possible for Allah the Almighty to create His creation, grant them power over all the creatures and land, grant them all the amenities of life, and then deny them that which they are most in need of: knowledge of the laws which govern their lives?

(ii) You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense; precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against.

(iii) You are a nation that permits the production, trading and usage of intoxicants. You also permit drugs, and only forbid the trade of them, even though your nation is the largest consumer of them.

(iv) You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom. You have continued to sink down this abyss from level to level until incest has spread amongst you, in the face of which neither your sense of honour nor your laws object.

Who can forget your President Clinton's immoral acts committed in the official Oval office? After that you did not even bring him to account, other than that he 'made a mistake', after which everything passed with no punishment. Is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations?

(v) You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich.

(vi) You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.

(vii) You are a nation that practices the trade of sex in all its forms, directly and indirectly. Giant corporations and establishments are established on this, under the name of art, entertainment, tourism and freedom, and other deceptive names you attribute to it.

(viii) And because of all this, you have been described in history as a nation that spreads diseases that were unknown to man in the past. Go ahead and boast to the nations of man, that you brought them AIDS as a Satanic American Invention.

(xi) You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and*industries.

(x) Your law is the law of the rich and wealthy people, who hold sway in their political parties, and fund their election campaigns with their gifts. Behind them stand the Jews, who control your policies, media and economy.

(xi) That which you are singled out for in the history of mankind, is that you have used your force to destroy mankind more than any other nation in history; not to defend principles and values, but to hasten to secure your interests and profits. You who dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan, even though Japan was ready to negotiate an end to the war. How many acts of oppression, tyranny and injustice have you carried out, O callers to freedom?

(xii) Let us not forget one of your major characteristics: your duality in both manners and values; your hypocrisy in manners and principles. All*manners, principles and values have two scales: one for you and one for the others.

(a)The freedom and democracy that you call to is for yourselves and for white race only; as for the rest of the world, you impose upon them your monstrous, destructive policies and Governments, which you call the 'American friends'. Yet you prevent them from establishing democracies. When the Islamic party in Algeria wanted to practice democracy and they won the election, you unleashed your agents in the Algerian army onto them, and to attack them with tanks and guns, to imprison them and torture them - a new lesson from the 'American book of democracy'!!!

(b)Your policy on prohibiting and forcibly removing weapons of mass destruction to ensure world peace: it only applies to those countries which you do not permit to possess such weapons. As for the countries you consent to, such as Israel, then they are allowed to keep and use such weapons to defend their security. Anyone else who you suspect might be manufacturing or keeping these kinds of weapons, you call them criminals and you take military action against them.

(c)You are the last ones to respect the resolutions and policies of International Law, yet you claim to want to selectively punish anyone else who does the same. Israel has for more than 50 years been pushing UN resolutions and rules against the wall with the full support of America.

(d)As for the war criminals which you censure and form criminal courts for - you shamelessly ask that your own are granted immunity!! However, history will not forget the war crimes that you committed against the Muslims and the rest of the world; those you have killed in Japan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Lebanon and Iraq will remain a shame that you will never be able to escape. It will suffice to remind you of your latest war crimes in Afghanistan, in which densely populated innocent civilian villages were destroyed, bombs were dropped on mosques causing the roof of the mosque to come crashing down on the heads of the Muslims praying inside. You are the ones who broke the agreement with the Mujahideen when they left Qunduz, bombing them in Jangi fort, and killing more than 1,000 of your prisoners through suffocation and thirst. Allah alone knows how many people have died by torture at the hands of you and your agents. Your planes remain in the Afghan skies, looking for anyone remotely suspicious.

(e)You have claimed to be the vanguards of Human Rights, and your Ministry of Foreign affairs issues annual reports containing statistics of those countries that violate any Human Rights. However, all these things vanished when the Mujahideen hit you, and you then implemented the methods of the same documented governments that you used to curse. In America, you captured thousands the Muslims and Arabs, took them into custody with neither reason, court trial, nor even disclosing their names. You issued newer, harsher laws.

What happens in Guatanamo is a historical embarrassment to America and its values, and it screams into your faces - you hypocrites, "What is the value of your signature on any agreement or treaty?"

(3) What we call you to thirdly is to take an honest stance with yourselves - and I doubt you will do so - to discover that you are a nation without principles or manners, and that the values and principles to you are something which you merely demand from others, not that which you yourself must adhere to.

(4) We also advise you to stop supporting Israel, and to end your support of the Indians in Kashmir, the Russians against the Chechens and to also cease supporting the Manila Government against the Muslims in Southern Philippines.

(5) We also advise you to pack your luggage and get out of our lands. We desire for your goodness, guidance, and righteousness, so do not force us to send you back as cargo in coffins.

(6) Sixthly, we call upon you to end your support of the corrupt leaders in our countries. Do not interfere in our politics and method of education. Leave us alone, or else expect us in New York and Washington.

(7) We also call you to deal with us and interact with us on the basis of mutual interests and benefits, rather than the policies of sub dual, theft and occupation, and not to continue your policy of supporting the Jews because this will result in more disasters for you.

If you fail to respond to all these conditions, then prepare for fight with the Islamic Nation. The Nation of Monotheism, that puts complete trust on Allah and fears none other than Him. The Nation which is addressed by its Quran with the words: "Do you fear them? Allah has more right that you should fear Him if you are believers. Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of believing people. And remove the anger of their (believers') hearts. Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise." [Quran9:13-1]

The Nation of honour and respect:

"But honour, power and glory belong to Allah, and to His Messenger (Muhammad- peace be upon him) and to the believers." [Quran 63:8]

"So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be*superior ( in victory )if you are indeed (true) believers" [Quran 3:139]

The Nation of Martyrdom; the Nation that desires death more than you desire life:

"Think not of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive with their Lord, and they are being provided for. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounty and rejoice for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice in a grace and a bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the reward of the believers." [Quran 3:169-171]

The Nation of victory and success that Allah has promised:

"It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad peace be upon him) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it victorious over all other religions even though the Polytheists hate it." [Quran 61:9]

"Allah has decreed that 'Verily it is I and My Messengers who shall be victorious.' Verily Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty." [Quran 58:21]

The Islamic Nation that was able to dismiss and destroy the previous evil Empires like yourself; the Nation that rejects your attacks, wishes to remove your evils, and is prepared to fight you. You are well aware that the Islamic Nation, from the very core of its soul, despises your haughtiness and arrogance.

If the Americans refuse to listen to our advice and the goodness, guidance and righteousness that we call them to, then be aware that you will lose this Crusade Bush began, just like the other previous Crusades in which you were humiliated by the hands of the Mujahideen, fleeing to your home in great silence and disgrace. If the Americans do not respond, then their fate will be that of the Soviets who fled from Afghanistan to deal with their military defeat, political breakup, ideological downfall, and economic bankruptcy.

This is our message to the Americans, as an answer to theirs. Do they now know why we fight them and over which form of ignorance, by the permission of Allah, we shall be victorious?






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    一场洛杉矶大火,让很多人的美国梦破灭了。有些人做梦也没有料到,这样的事情会落到自己头上,本以为只是个吃瓜看客,没想到被动成了“演员”。洛杉矶的大火让很多人终于意识... 2025-01-14
  • 台湾省媒体:台湾将在北部部署NASAMS防空系统

    据台媒《台北时报》称,台湾将在该岛北部部署从美国购买的NASAMS防空系统。该报援引台湾防务部门的消息写道:“台湾从美国订购的NASAMS将部署在台北和新北的重要战略位置,以... 2025-01-12
