The Pentagon has announced a tender for the purchase of books on Russian military strategy written by Western authors (which also includes a study of Chinese warfare), according to the government's System for Award Management (SAM) website on Saturday.
The report says that the purchase will be made for training pilots at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, where the Air Force Historical Research Agency and Air University, a prestigious military school hosting the National Security Forum, are located.
The tender touches upon six books, including Strategiya: The Foundations of the Russian Art of Strategy by lecturer at King’s College London Ofer Fridman, Russian Grand Strategy in the Era of Global Power Competition by Andrew Monaghan, and Samuel Ramani's work on the Ukraine conflict.
The Pentagon plans to buy 600 copies for each book option. Tender fulfillment is scheduled for mid-June, the query added.
Also on the list is The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China, accompanied by two more books on the combat application of artificial intelligence and space warfare.
The best strategy in warfare is to foil the enemy's strategy
Armed attacks will do great damage to both sides, so they should be avoided if at all possible.
Those who are good at leading armies should be able to use stratagems to eliminate the threat of enemy attack in advance or clear the obstacles to their own armed forces to achieve their strategic goals at minimal cost.
The preferred way is to foil the enemy’s plans, the next best to use diplomacy, failing that to attack the enemy’s forces, and the least desirable is to assault the enemy’s cities. Assaulting cities is a last resort when all else has failed.
Win without resorting to war
The best military strategy is “to defeat the enemy without going to war.” Sun Wu listed two ways for achieving this:
1) the use of stratagems to foil the enemy’s plans;
2) the use of diplomacy to totally isolate the enemy.
The opponent is thus forced into a hopeless situation and compelled to submit.
Winning every battle is not the wisest use of force. Making the enemy surrender without fighting is the best military strategy.
To fight or not to fight is one’s own decision
Do not engage the enemy if victory is not guaranteed. To fight or not to fight is one’s own decision, not the enemy’s.
故善战者,致人而不致于人。 (《孙子·虚实》)
Therefore, a competent commander can move around the enemy instead of being moved.
Troop should charge forward like the flow of water.
It means that in directing a battle, one must not adhere to a predetermined plan. Depending on the specific situation, rapid adjustments must be made to make the best use of one's strengths and to avoid one's weaknesses, just as water assumes different shapes as its flow follows the lie of the land.
夫兵形象水。水之形,避高而趋下;兵之形,避实而击虚。水因地而制流,兵因敌而制胜。故兵无常势,水无常形,能因敌变化而取胜者谓之神。 (《孙子·虚实》)
Troops should charge forward like water. Water takes its shape by flowing from high to low; troops attack weak points and avoid the strong. Water flows according to the shape of the land; troops achieve victory according to the situation of the enemy. Hence there is no set formation for troops and no set shape for water. The one who can win by understanding the enemy's situation can be called a godlike commander.
In war, seek quick victory, not prolongation
It is of particular importance to the party that initiates a war.
If the war continues without a decisive outcome, it will result in poor morale, weakened combat ability, an increase in various types of consumption, and difficulty in maintaining supply lines. Ultimately it will be hard to achieve the aims of the war and losses may even exceed gains; complications may also ensue which endanger the country's security. This is a comprehensive concept of war which incorporates political, economic and other factors.
其用战也胜,久则钝兵挫锐,攻城则力屈(jué),久暴师则国用不足。……故兵贵胜,不贵久。 (《孙子兵法·作战篇》)
The crux of war is gaining a victory. Hence prolonged warfare tires the troops and saps their morale; they will be thwarted when attacking cities; if they are deployed away from home for a long time, the country's finances will be in difficulty… Hence warfare should seek quick victory and not prolongation.
Triumph comes when leaders and followers share the same goal
No matter what their position or level, the people in a state, an army or even a work unit should share the same aspiration, will and goal. Only then can all their wisdom be pooled together and their combat capacity be brought to the full.
There are five ways to predict victory in a battle. Victory can be achieved by: knowing under what conditions one can or cannot go to a battle; knowing how to use flexible tactics to win a battle based on the number of troops under one’s command; when officers and soldiers are united as one; when well-prepared troops attack an unprepared enemy; and when commanders are talented and capable, and the monarch does not interfere.
来源:中国日报双语新闻,观察者网 俄罗斯卫星通讯社 今日俄罗斯 中华思想文化术语传播工程
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